• Transcribing interviews

    After transcribing the interview with Andi Otto using MHWaveEdit and Kate, I realised I needed to improve the tools I use for this a little bit, to make it easier to pause, playback, and jump back and forth. So I found another software for playing back the files: Parlatype that provides the necessary playback utilities. But then I needed a way to control the interface in a way that would disrupt the typing as little as possible. So I looked for a way to use a MIDI controller, the Akai LPD8, to send the key presses. With xdotool I was able to send the keypresses and I ended up hooking it up to aseqdump with the script below, which I created with the help of this post. What happens in the script is:

    • check which window is parlatype - the title gets the name of the soundfile, so that is passed as an argument to the script
    • check which window is my instance of kate, opened in the session with the name mapping_book
    • start aseqdump to print out the data from the LPD8
    • Filter that data to take different actions on the different notes.
      • In each case: switch focus to the parlatype window, send the keypress, switch focus back to kate (where I’m typing)
      • The keys mapped are:
        • jump back ten seconds
        • pause/resume playback
        • jump forward ten seconds
        • copy the current timestamp to the clipboard

    Placing the LPD8 now in front of my keyboard, I have a nice interface for transcribing!

    echo $1
    WID=`xdotool search --name $1 | head -1`
    WID2=`xdotool search --name mapping_book| head -1`
    echo $WID
    aseqdump -p "LPD8" | \
    while IFS=" ," read src ev1 ev2 ch label1 data1 label2 data2 rest; do
        case "$ev1 $ev2 $data1" in
            "Note on 36" ) xdotool windowfocus $WID; xdotool key ctrl+Left ; xdotool windowfocus $WID2;;
            "Note on 37" ) xdotool windowfocus $WID; xdotool key ctrl+space ; xdotool windowfocus $WID2;;
            "Note on 38" ) xdotool windowfocus $WID; xdotool key ctrl+Right ; xdotool windowfocus $WID2;;
            "Note on 39" ) xdotool windowfocus $WID; xdotool key ctrl+c ; xdotool windowfocus $WID2;;

  • Presentation at Processing Community Day

    On Saturday February 9, I will give a presentation aobut the project at the Processing Community Day Amsterdam between 17h and 18h.

    Apparently the (free) tickets are already sold out, but there is a waiting list.

  • Interviews for case studies

    This week I did three more interviews for case studies for the second part of the book: with Roosna & Flak, Frank Baldé from STEIM, and Jeff Carey.

    • Roosna & Flak have been working with sensors in their dance performances over the past four years. From their website: “The core of their work is the dancing body’s possibilities and limitations, in a constant dialogue with the digital technologies and discourses that extend and counterpoint it.”

    • Frank Baldé from STEIM has worked over many decades developing software environments for mapping, and helping artists to create their mappings in these softwares.

    • Jeff Carey about his instrument or setup consisting of a joystick, a pad controller and a keypad, and a whole bunch of SuperCollider code.

    I am looking forward to work these interviews further out into chapters for the book early next year!

  • Survey online

    To get feedback on the ongoing project, I have created a survey to gather input, feedback and interest. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to fill in the survey: https://justaquestionofmapping.info/survey/

    All the data you fill in is stored on my own server and I will only use it for creating the book!

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