• Writing retreat

    I’m in the middle of a week long retreat to spend dedicated time on the book.

    During this week I have so far 3744 words written (making for a total of almost 22,000 words right now), a bunch of graphs made and reorganised some sections and chapters.

    I have spent a lot of time reading references: read half a book, gathered various papers and read a lot of these also through really fast. Also read some software manuals and looked at helpfiles of mapping libraries…

    In the process, I’ve made a lot of notes about things to discuss and write down in the book somewhere (and where to just reference to my resources), which people to contact for various reasons - such as questions about the things they wrote (either in papers or in software).

    And, I’ve started a new section on this website, listing useful resources. Much more to come in that section (like all the books and papers I’m reading), but it’ll take a while to gather all the references.

  • Interview with Andi Otto

    On July 16th, I interviewed Andi Otto about his Fello.

    The description of this instrument will be one of the chapters of part 2 of the book. The interview was very insightful and I am now busy working out all the information and trying to make sense of and then explain how the instrument works.

  • Over 10000 words

    Slower than expected, but I am very happy that I can now announce that I have passed the threshold of 10,000 words in my first draft of part 1. As I am writing the outline is continuously changing: more topics to cover are added and I have been reordering some of the topics. Trains are particularly good places to write, I find, as I tend not to connect to internet and don’t have many other distractions while writing. Of course, I am encountering a number of topics where I feel I need to add references or look up additional sources to go deeper into the subject and this is what a next phase will be focused on.

  • Project launch

    Halfway October I got the news that the Creative Industry Fund NL would fund me to get started on writing a book on mapping. The idea for this book has been in the back of my mind for a long time now - as it came up regularly in discussions during my post-doctoral research at Concordia University and in collaborations on projects since then (e.g. the Emerge project with Concordia University, the Modality project with BEK and a group of SuperCollider programmers and musicians, and during the METABODY EU-project while I was at STEIM).

    So I am happy to finally get started: I have an outline, I have started on writing the first chapter and I am contacting people to alert them about the work I’m doing.

    The startup funding runs until April 2017. My plan for the next weeks is to start working on the different chapters of part one, so that by January I have a rough version of that part. On this website, I will keep you informed of the progress!

    If you want to get involved in one way or another, please write me at mapping@nescivi.nl.

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